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Have real estate questions. Well we have the answers. We have been practicing real estate in Florida for over 20 years and have seen it all. No question or problem is too big or too small for the Soldman. Just submit your question here and we will reach out to, or if you would like a conference call even better we love talking with people.
Mediation Services
The Soldman is also a certified mediator and can help with family real estate issues, short sale negotiations, title issues, County or code violations, environmental issues, contract resolutions and much more. We love a challenge so put the Soldman in your corner today.
Flood Zones
Are you in a flood zone, do you need flood insurance, will I need a boat to get home. These are all great questions and we know the answers. Yes we are in Florida and just above sea level, however let's know the facts and keep your head above water. Every area is different and our local agents can help to keep your feet dry and a smile on your face.
Home Values
Whether you're buying or selling your home, know the current value. Don't trust online websites and unlicensed people to give you a number. Con artists love Florida too. Our team of experts are here to protect your interest and that's what we are going to do. We may not always be the bearer of good news, but the truth is what you need to overcome any hurdle. Armed with the facts we are saving clients thousands of dollars in time and money everyday. Who are you going to call? Call The SOLDMAN.